Wir entwickeln gemeinsam mit Ihnen ein individuell auf Sie angepasstes Konzept. So können Sie sich von der ständig wachsenden Menge abheben und Ihren potentiellen Kunden entscheidende Vorteile bieten.
For short term sales promotions
Every customer ticks differently – you know that. But between B2B and B2C, pushing just the right buttons in the marketing mix is still a real challenge. An ever-increasing number of customers’ purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale. Today, 70% of purchasing decisions are made on the basis of emotion – which is why it is so important to offer consumers decisive added value through sales promotions.
Potential customers are more likely to buy if it is a special offer or a time limit on a sales promotion. This is precisely where sales promotion comes in. It is important for a successful sales promotion to communicate and emphasize the exclusivity of your sales promotion in a clearly defined way.
The importance of sales promotion activities has increased steadily in recent years. More than half of purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale (POS). This is precisely why our goal is to successfully deploy sales promotions in retail (B2C), as well as in distribution and specialized trade (B2B).
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PRODATA as a full service provider offers the complete package from one source
We know what matters!
Sales promotion is addressed to different target groups in different ways, and the implementation and possibilities of the respective sales promotion also depend on this. An individually tailored concept is therefore the basic prerequisite for successful sales promotion.
Sales promotion measures have the great potential to achieve significant increases in sales for a brand and must therefore not be underestimated in their effect under any circumstances.
We design targeted measures at the point of sale, such as free gifts, coupons, bonuses, discounts, weekly promotions or raffles.
With attractive advertising measures, you can also launch or ab sell a targeted product with high pressure on the market. You will work with our experts who will support you with the complete range of services for sales promotion: from cashback, premium, bonus campaigns, sweepstakes and mailing campaigns to customer clubs and sales programs.
Thorsten Heftrich
Sales Manager & Managing Partner
0721 / 98171 111